Our Story is About True Purpose
Hi there! II' so glad you stopped in to visit. First, I hang out over on Instagram so I'd love to hang out more on the regular. Make sure to follow and let's connect more.
If you take away one thing about me, it’s that I believe that while this life can be as harsh as the rocky Colorado soil that Matt and I farm on, it can also be so richly beautiful. The joy comes in the journey. The journey is something I've become quite an expert on..probably just like you.
When Covid loomed in 2020 I already had quite the journey. I had overcome and prevailed time and again. By that time, my farm-to-table restaurant in Alamosa, Colorado had hit it's stride. It was a real Hallmark movie type of place with community, laughter, fresh food and fun.
However, as I read stories about what was happening in Italy I knew what was coming. My heart sank. All the work I had gone through to build such a wonderful little business would be threatened. As covid hit the mainland, I sat in my office as my employees worked in the kitchen laughing. Was this over? Would I have to put them all out of work? How could we all have come this far only to lose now?
It was at this moment a quote from Shawshank Redemption came to my mind "get busy livn' or get busy dying". With fear in my soul I stepped forward anyway. If we were going down, I was going to go down fighting.
Within a week, we launched delivery and an online grocery store filled with food staples and necessities. At a time when empty grocery store shelves were creating panic, we stepped up to be there for our community, while still keeping our lights on and our employees paid. At first we portioned out and sold restaurant ingredients like cilantro, beans and pretty much anything that wasn't nailed down. I laugh now at the silliness of it. I even partnered with a local grocery store chain to buy products at cost from him. I was determined to stay in business.
Eventually, we brought in regional artisan products to sell. We finally moved from fear to fun. Once we got a sense of what sold, we began crafting products ourselves.
Here's the beautiful part.
So this was how the market started. I was made to do it. Although I absolutely loved the restaurant, my lifelong dream had always been to create products. If I had not been forced to do so, I never would have had the courage to create the market. For some reason what I was doing felt so much safer. Isn't that strange? I was wildly successful as a restaurant owner even though we all know how difficult that industry is. To this very day I receive phone calls from people wanting that business. Recipes I post on the home page are for them! It was truly that great! Why then would I think my true dream was out of reach? It is for all of us a journey to find our true calling and believe the secret desire of our heart is possible.
Some people don't believe in destiny or a plan for their lives, but how could there not be? We would end up receiving an amazing offer for our restaurant so that I could pursue the market fully and create full-time. My job? Build a community of people who want to live a more on purpose joyful life. This is truly the best job I've ever had in my entire life and I'm so grateful I've been made to do it. I'm still not 100% sure where this road is supposed to lead, all I know is I'm to be on it.
Perhaps it's just for this very moment to touch your life and to whisper that your life is also special and you have a beautiful purpose to serve in this world. Maybe you just needed to read my story to say yes to whatever opportunity is standing in front of you.
Whatever the case may be, I'm grateful you're here and thank you for being along this road with me and this crew of friends and family. We're glad you're here.
Our farm family has always been close. As the kids have gotten older, I've looked for ways to keep them close. They love dirt and tractors. I love pretty things. Here's the story of how the idea of growing dahlia tubers on the farm came to be.

The Enchanting World of Noelle
Nature and Animals Embrace Her Unique Gifts.
In this heartwarming story, follow the captivating story of Noelle, our remarkable daughter with autism, and her ethereal connection with nature and animals. Discover how Noelle's innocence and boundless joy infuse magic into the world. Her inspiring perseverance and enchanting spirit will leave you awestruck and uplifted. Join us as we unveil the extraordinary journey of Noelle, her gift to our otherwise ordinary lives and the way she's helped transformed a simple store of her own products into a realm of wonder and compassion.